Directed by: Angel Hernandez

Country of Origin: Spain

Runtime: 29:58

Category: Short Film

Pablo Fajardo, the renowned environmental lawyer who managed to bring down the North American transnational Chevron (formerly Texaco), shows us his world of commitment for the rights of an Amazonian population affected by oil activities. Together with the activist Donald Moncayo and the Union of People Affected by Texaco, the discourse in defense of the environment extends and structures a series of events and testimonies with a clear purpose: to make visible the struggle and injustice that has been going on in that region of Ecuador for more than fifty years, for the humble attempt to cross borders and raise awareness among the public of all ages of the fragility, duality and privilege promoted by the dominant energy system in the world.

Director Biography – Angel Hernandez

He finds messages that can travel beyond borders, serving to documentary as a catalyst in order to make people believe that another world is possible. He has started by doing a short documentary about homeless people, another short about The jungle refugee camp, and the third and last about the oil extraction crimes commited in the amazon rainforest, released recently.