Directed by: Ya-Chi Yang

Country of Origin: United States

Runtime: 01:13:00

Category: Documentary

In the midst of the pandemic, four university students from Mali, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Taiwan confront the challenges as they pursue their dreams of graduation, employment, and family.

Director Biography – Ya-Chi Yang

Ya-Chi Yang is an independent filmmaker based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her animated documentary short, All the things I can remember (2018), was selected by festivals including Mammoth Lake Film Festival, Female Eye Film Festival, and Taichung International Animation Festival. Her animation collaboration, Seeing through the Eyes of Crocodiles, with director, Lien Fan Shen, has been selected for screening at 2016 Seattle Queer Film Festival, Shanghai Pride Film Festival and Beijing Queer Film Festival. She was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and moved to the US when she was 23. Yang holds a master’s degree from University of Utah majoring in Film and Media Arts. Her work often features emotional struggles like being trapped inside one’s own body as an Alzheimer patient. Her experience of being an international student and immigrating to the US has led her to making a documentary about people like her.