Directed by

Begaly Nargozuev

Country of Origin





Feature Film

The script of the film is built around the story of a young girl Altyn, who came from the village to the city to study and immediately fell into a cycle of tests of life, but was able to overcome all the difficulties because of her strong inner will and faith. In the film we see a three-level visual space: the upper level – the majestic snow-covered alpine expanses (syrt), as if the embodiment of timeless beginning of life, where from ancient times Altyn’s ancestors were shepherds and kept yaks. The middle level, the countryside, is subject to the faster flow of time; and the lower level, the capital city with its bustle and vices, where Altyn arrives after school. The whole plot of the film revolves around the desperate circumstances in which Altyn finds herself: the betrayal of a boyfriend, an unexpected pregnancy, which is not welcomed by the moral norms of society. She is under constant pressure from her sister and her inner circle, who force her to have an abortion or illegally sell her child. But Altyn resolutely resists these encounters alien to her soul: stereotypes, manipulation, and a vicious lifestyle, the cult of consumption and money that has engulfed modern civilization. Through her behavior, she sets example of incorruptibility and a strong inner spiritual core.

Director Biography: Begaly Nargozu

I, Begaly Nargozu, was born on February 5, 1961 in the village of Kosh-Tobe, Aksy District, Jalal-Abad Province, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1968, I entered the first grade of the Kosh-Tobe secondary school, from which I graduated in 1978.
In 1978, I enrolled in the journalism department of Kyrgyz State University, from which I graduated in 1983 with a degree in journalism.
In 1983, I joined the Kyrgyz film studio as an assistant director of a feature-length film “Goodbye Gulsary” by Zamir Eraliev.
In 1984 I became assistant director of a feature-length documentary “Your Day is the Republic” by Lilia Turusbekova.
In 1985, I worked as a deputy executive producer of the feature film “Running into Runs” by Usenzhan Ibragimov.
In 1986 I worked as a executive producer of the documentary film “The Valley and the People” by Klara Yusupzhanova.
In 1987, I worked as a executive producer of the documentary film “Told by Life” by Berdibek Zhandavletov.
In 1988, I became executive producer of the short feature film “Court of Memory” by Karel Abdykulov.
In 1988, I worked temporarily as a executive producer of the feature-length film “Landscape Through the Eyes of a Sprinter” by Shamil Zhaparov.
In 1989, I became executive producer of the feature-length film “Knockdown” by Tynchylyk Razakov.
From 1990 to 1993 I was at the disposal of the personnel of “Kyrgyz film” film studio due to the cessation of financing of film production related to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In 1993, I headed the “Ak Kalpak” travel company, and in
In 2003 I became the director of the air agency “Aman Air”.
In 2004, I was appointed representative of the state airline “Altyn Air” in Urumqi, People’s Republic of China.
In 2005, I began to work as the general representative of the state airline “Kyrgyzstan” in China.
In 2006, I headed, as President, the airline “Esen Air”.
In 2007, as a result of elections, I was elected deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh – the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic.
From 2010 to 2012 I was involved in social and political activities in various political movements and organizations in Kyrgyzstan.
In 2011 I became a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Kyrgyz Republic.
From 2012 to 2020 I worked as the director of the Public Association “Kyrgyztoday Media”.
Since 2021, started shooting a full-length feature film “Mountain Wagtail” as scriptwriter, director, producer at the same time and finished the film in 2023.