Directed by

Arvind Appadourai

Country of Origin





Feature Film

The day after his arrival in France, Sri, A young Tamil refugee Finds a Babysitter job In a single-parent French family. The mother lives alone With her Child André. She travels a lot. Sri, the young Babysitter Takes care of the baby. After six years, He leaves this job and gets married. He has a daughter. Twenty Years Later, the latter, a student in sociology, tries to trace the His father’s journey in France. She Discovers that he did babysitting. She meets André and organizes a meeting between his father and him.
Around This frame, A voice-over Tells this History by evoking the Tamil Culture and plays with the artifice of the ancestral theatre form.

Director Biography – Arvind Appadourai

Arvind Appadourai, born in Madras (India) on 28 December 1966, is a multi-talented artist who lives and works between Paris (France) and Madras (India). Renowned for his contributions to film and literature, he has successfully directed five feature films, written eight novels and penned seven books of poetry. Appadourai sees his film career as a natural extension of his poetic endeavours.

His first film, Melody of Ceylon, won acclaim and numerous awards, and was selected for some twenty international festivals. In particular, her film “Three Sisters in a Boat” was awarded the prize for excellence in filmmaking at the 7th International Art Film Festival in Trivandrum, Kerala, India, in 2023. Appadourai’s creative activities highlight a harmonious blend of storytelling through the written word and images.