Directed by: Marcela Moran, Maritza Bautista

Country of Origin: United States

Runtime: 13:49

Category: Short Film

The documentary is a explores scavenging practices in Laredo, Texas, focusing on the informal transborder recycling on the U.S.-Mexico border. The focus is on a married couple who are cartoneros (cardboard scavengers). Chole and Jose cross the border daily to collect cardboard and then transport it into Mexico to sell. The film depicts the ongoing interdependence of the economies of Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo. It introduces audiences to two people who depend on scavenging practices that help both countries’ economies and recycling efforts.

Director Biography – Marcela Moran, Maritza Bautista

Marcela Morán is an award-winning filmmaker and educator. Morán is a border woman, raised on the US/Mexico border in Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México. Her work deals with migration/immigration, border landscape and bicultural issues. Morán has a Master of Fine Arts degree from Ohio University’s School of Film and a an undergraduate in Radio/TV/Film from the University of Texas at Austin. Her work has been showcased at numerous international film festivals, galleries and conferences. As of 2013, Morán’s documentary short titled “Audiencia” became part of Mexic-Arte’s permanent collection. She is an Associate Professor of Communication at Texas A&M International University in Laredo, Texas. For more information visit