Directed by: Zach Weiss, Raleigh Latham

Country of Origin: United States

Runtime: 28:43

Category: Documentary

High in the mountains of Austria, a simple mountain farmer turned his family farm into an ecological miracle. By working with nature, Sepp was able to turn his patch of degraded mountain land into one of Europe’s greatest Regenerative Farms. By working with water, animals, and the soil, Sepp Holzer was able to turn his land int a true paradise, and his methods carry profound wisdom for restoring ecosystems anywhere on Earth.

Director Biography – Zach Weiss, Raleigh Latham

Protégé of revolutionary Austrian farmer Sepp Holzer, Zach is the first person to earn Holzer Practitioner certification directly from Sepp – through a rigorous two-year apprenticeship working on projects in North America and Europe. After 10 years of building
Water Retention projects for clients around the world, Sepp said that there “needs to be hundreds or thousands of Zachs working around the world, millions would be better!” In that moment, the idea of Water Stories was born; so that any professional, land steward, or concerned citizen can have the same positive impact on their waters and lands.

Raleigh Latham met Zach Weiss at a Sepp Holzer workshop back in 2014 and was inspired by Sepp’s work. Raleigh is the co-director, writer and editor. He has been an environmental filmmaker for 10 years, covering issues like Soil Foodweb and Composting, Rewilding, and Water Cycle Restoration. He has a deep passion for restoring ecosystems that he combines with a film, production and marketing background.