Directed by

Ian Gibbins

Country of Origin




“After The Incoming, The Overflow, our future lay within the tides, no turning back, no neap, no ebb, an undertow of uncertainty and doubt… Taunting us, an illusion of normality… We have run out of options, we are battling for breath… “

How does a city cope, what does it look like, after years of drought, rising sea levels, relentless storms?

Nearly every scene in this video has been composited from original footage filmed around Adelaide, the Fleurieu Peninsula, Inner Suburban Melbourne, the Western Highway, and Far North Queensland. Almost nothing is at it seems. But the future is all too real…

Director Biography – Ian Gibbins

Ian Gibbins is a widely published poet, video artist and electronic musician with four collections of poetry, all in collaboration with artists. His video and audio work has featured in gallery exhibitions, public art commissions, performances and international festivals. He previously was a neuroscientist and professor of anatomy. For a full list of video works see: