Directed by

Anastasiya Maksymchuk

Country of Origin





Docu- Drama

After russia invaded my country (again), making it impossible for me to see my father in person, I began to wonder: can a family, disconnected by the war frontline, traumatic relationships, and thousands of kilometers, create a film together, regardless?

Director Biography – Anastasiya Maksymchuk

Born in Ukraine in 1991, Anastasiya received her B.A. in TV & Film directing in 2013. In 2019, she graduated from Kino Eyes M.A. program and released a short film Charcoal (2020) and a documentary Dogs Don`t Bite Good People (2020).
Anastasiya is doing her PhD in Media Art at Lusófona University, Lisbon. Her field of research is hybrid documentary and artistic reenactment as a cinematic method.
She intends to explore the dynamic and transformative nature of memory, while combining fictional and documentary approaches, exploring cinematic, theatrical and digital aesthetics inherent to contemporary hybrid film.