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Country of Origin
An individual who is suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and forced to migrate to outer space, he misses his mother and homeland. However, the only response to his calling his mother is an endless busy tone.
CHEN Yu Born in 1978 in Hangzhou, China. In 2007, he obtained his DNSEP communication and multimedia option (video, documentary) at the Beaux-arts de Saint Etienne in France. Since 2008, Chen Yu has been a full professor at the China academy of art (Hangzhou) in the cinema option. From 2008 to 2009, he also completed a Post-diploma at ESAD Saint-Etienne. He worked as assistant of Daniel Buren for the production of his documentary film “Entrance competition”, with Frédéric Brunquelle on “Paradis Fiscal”, with Rolland Théron on “Rendez-vous chez moi”, with Philip Baillon on 13th street.