Directed by

Andrea Casella

Country of Origin




To leave your own country, move elsewhere, and start over. Within a migrant’s dreams and nightmares, slowly questioning the very meaning of belonging, the journey lies as a non-place where the same sensations are repeated and renewed. In between memories, illusions, and unfulfilled expectations. And in this denotation returning ‘home’ to that house where we lived and that lived us reinforces this sense of (non) belonging; making us strangers, aliens, and intolerant guests. What was familiar and understandable to us becomes intolerable and obscure. What we couldn’t figure out in the murky custom of our past life is now clearly visible and threatening. Thus we become unable to speak our language or communicate with our loved ones. And those distant certainties, within whose new borders we seek refuge looking for a safe path, they slowly disappear. Those who return ‘home’ talk about the ‘elsewhere’, showing different possibilities as an answer to old pending questions, not having, though, any right to speak. Therefore the search for home and belonging moves towards the new reality where there are always impassable boundaries. Along the fine line between the two points, we live in a status of perennial expectation, divided between identity and melancholy, revenge and dignity. So the journey remains the only moment of absolute truth, excitement, love, disillusionment, memory, and discovery. Where the identity of the individual is shown as a starting point for building a common liquid feeling, which is adaptable, and welcoming, even for the smallest form of life.

Director Biography – Andrea Casella

Studio Capta is a video production company based in Rome. Since 2011, it has been working for international brands like Bulgari, Mercedes, Amazon, etc., producing different content and commercials, music videos and television programs, which have been nationally and internationally broadcast. In 2018, it produced the docufilm “1938 quando scoprimmo di non essere italiani” (74′) which was selected for the Rome film festival in 2018 as a pre-opening special event. In 2019, Studio Capta travelled to India for the production of a documentary on agri-food sustainability commissioned by FAO, of which an excerpt has currently been released. The video-poetry short movie “The revenge of the molluscs”, born from a collaboration with the writer Silvia Pellegrino, has been directed by Andrea Casella, assisted by Marte Colantoni during the movie filming phase.